Thursday, September 11, 2008

things are much, much better

We were all pretty worried about my mum last night; she was having a tough time.  This morning we had a bit of a scare, as she was slurring her words pretty badly and generally having trouble talking.  Additionally, we were told that she was experiencing some paralysis in her right arm (which is apparently not uncommon).

This is still going to be a long, hard slog, but she's not nearly so drugged up as she was before, and she's talking easily, coherently and at length about some of the projects she's been working on.  

She is having some mobility problems with her right arm, but it's not nearly as bad as I had feared.  She has some numbness in her forearm, is having trouble controlling where her elbow goes, and can't elevate her arm very much.  Her hand and fingers, however, are completely fine, and she was able to feed herself some fruit with just a little elbow stabilization and guidance from me.  She got better as we went along, and by the end of it, I was using two fingers to steady her elbow and raise it about a half inch for her, and the rest she was doing on her own.

We've been told that she has a lot of rehab ahead -- three hours a day for weeks.  This will include physical, occupational and perhaps vocal therapy.

For now, she has a sore throat and her staples hurt a bit.  She also has some pretty fantastic bruising behind one ear and is having some fluid buildup in the side of her face; we'll post pictures.  

We are tucked away in a quiet room in a corner of the surgical ICU, but she's ready to be moved out as soon as a bed becomes available elsewhere.  

I expect a lot more ups and downs before we're done with this adventure.  For now, she is doing very well, and we'll continue to deal with things as they come.  


  1. Tina,
    I just heard about your surgery and have scanned your blog. I am glad to hear that things are going well and I will be praying for your recovery.

  2. Thank you for sharing all this with us. Even if the ups and downs are elating and then worrisome, it is much better than just imagining it all!

  3. Dear Walker-Gunsali,

    We are rooting for you and checking the blog regularly so we can find out how you are doing without bothering you too much. We are sending best wishes for long smooth ups and short shallow downs. With Tina's determination and all of your support we are confident you'll all come out the other side better than ever!

    xxxooo k&f

  4. If only wishes, thoughts and prayers could take away the need for the work ahead.....but I really do believe the love emanating from each and every one of the messages left here will make a difference.

    Tammie and I are going to attempt a healing ritual tomorrow night. I haven't actually attempted one of these in about a decade and never led one, so if she suddenly morphs into a toad, remember it's the thought that counts. Alas, Brian threw away my smudge sticks [probably thinking they were something else ;-)], so I have to go score some sage. I'm on it.

    All our love to all of you.

  5. Tina,

    Please know that the gang are all rooting for you as we keep reading the updates posted on the blog.

    - Kemi & Flo
