Wednesday, September 10, 2008

fantastic news!!

She is out of surgery, awake, talking, coherent and responsive, both mentally and physically.

The surgeons report that they were able to remove the entire mass. (It was 7 cm x 6 cm x 5 cm -- no wonder she's had some headaches!)

She's in recovery, and we'll be able to see her once she gets moved to the ICU.

Also, Papa would like me to add that they were able to replace most of the bone, so rather than a full titanium plate, they only had to use some smaller titanium stabilizers, which will be permanent. (I know that was my biggest concern.)

More info once we've seen her.

Go forth and be merry!


  1. Hurray! She's one tough lady, glad
    all looks good.
    - Carol L.

  2. Tremendous news!!! Thanks for the regular updates, it's good to be in touch.


  3. We are so relieved!!! Please give our regards to Tina when you see her. I guess all those positive thoughts from around the world really worked! (ok and having a highly competent medical team probably didn't hurt ... ;-)
    -- k & f

  4. Fabulous News! Now only a small part of Tina's head will superconduct at 0.4K. She is already enough "Super Woman", anyhow! Thanks SO MUCH for this Blog! Mi Sheberach, --Laura

  5. I am so happy to hear that the surgery went well!
    Thanks so much for your updates!
    I trust you know that many of us were with you in spirit (as well as online) today.

  6. Our knees are weak with relief and our faces wet with tears of gratitude and joy.

    Now, good luck getting her to take it easy; you're going to need it. You should probably also tip off the staff to the high probability of escape attempts.

    Our love to you all.

  7. Fantastic news and many thanks for the continual updates. Now, does anyone have any idea on how to keep Tina quiet and resting during her recovery????

  8. This is GREAT news! I am so happy to hear that everything went so smoothly! :)
    Thanks so much for letting us know! I will pass the good news along to the Interim Dean and Associate Dean here in the Law School! :)

  9. Fantastic News!!! Really appreciate this Blog effort to keep us all informed!! My very best prayers and wishes. Cousin Rob.

  10. We can hardly believe how big this was. We are so happy and relieved. We thought about Tina the whole day and Anne kept asking me if I had news. Thank you for posting this information!

    Michel and Anne Manago
