We have a beautiful, wet snowfall decorating the outdoors. It’s our first real snow of the season and it’s perfect, story-book snow. There’s no wind so every tree limb is outlined, and the streets cleared themselves almost instantly because it’s above freezing. It’s a perfect Sunday at home.
Michael and Shea both came down with something that, in due course, got passed along to me. Except while it was mild for both of them, I seem to have a stronger, more lingering version. Or at least to be reacting to it more strongly. This is the perfect opportunity to put into practice all those lessons I claim to be learning/have learned about trusting myself, taking it slowly when the energy isn’t there, etc. The theory is easier to grasp than the practice, as my first instinct was to plow on through it and only belatedly to realize that rest is indicated. More slowly than I like to admit, I did grasp the lesson eventually and have consequently been sleeping more of the time than warrants tallying up. Something about this bug has brought back headaches, which is vexing, but my balance continues to improve, as does my shoulder, so there is much more forward progress than anything else. However, since I’ve been working on two or three writing projects, checking in here wasn’t in the cards with reduced energy available. I miss the contact!
Michael and Shea are working on finishing the drawers for the linen cupboard that we moved when we re-routed the upstairs hallway when we did all our remodeling some years ago. Hooray! I'm being quietly supportive as I'm totally thrilled to have this project well underway. It will be great to have the drawers back in use and also to have the linen cupboard, one of the pieces of original, beautiful woodwork in the house, complete again. Plus, it is always fun to watch and listen to the two of them working together.
Back to the writing projects. Our Sunday Illinois greetings to all.
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