Thanks for the inquiries about the silence here; it’s nothing grim, just a combination of too much to do and careful rationing of energy. The end-of-semester wrap-up has been more ragged and more busy than I’d hoped and it’s taking all the energy that’s available--and then some. Meanwhile, I am focusing on slow haredom and enjoying my expanded scope, trying to appreciate rather than be frustrated by the limits that I seem to hit daily.
Two things in particular that I’ve been enjoying recently are hot water for showers and baths and our great new down comforter. Enjoying a hot shower the other day (and imagining how horrible life could be with only cold water), I remembered how great it was at this time last year to have a full head of hair. So now and then, I think about that, too. I bought the comforter last year during the white sales and got it out a bit early this year, I was so eager. It has become a serious pleasure as it’s gotten cooler, especially since we still don’t heat the bedrooms as extensively as the day-time living areas of the house. Our strategies and Michael’s energy focus over the years were brought into highlight the other day when a friend was asking about our heating bills, to compare for a large older house he’s considering. He was stunned by the number, as he’s paying double for his very small bungalow what we’re paying here… none of which is likely that helpful as he considers a huge beautiful older house in town that’s been sadly neglected; we have thirty years of work in this house, from new windows to insulation to Michael’s famous zoned heat… and still more we could do. One of these days, we'll do a better job insulating the attic and we'll finish replacing the last few windows. We own them and they're not doing us much good standing around in the basement.
I keep meaning to post a picture of Shea’s moderate tree this year (it still brushes our 10-foot ceilings and had to be trimmed to fit in) and the story of our trees. I’ll get to it. For now, though, off to yet another full day of meetings including an appointment with Dr. Thoughtful where we get the most recent cortisol report and talk about my shoulder. The shoulder was really doing well in the current round of physical therapy until I moved in ways that must not be in my current normal repertoire while doing a trial run of this year’s Christmas project. I was trying to to make sure I had the right supplies and that it would actually work before Kearney gets home. The project--a very cool one, I think-- involves cutting with scissors, and I’ve been mighty sore since. More PT today, too, to work on that and see if I can adjust my exercises to strengthen whatever is complaining. In the meantime, the sun is shining and I get to see some people I enjoy today. Stay warm.
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